“Pleased to welcome you in our structure,
here you will find what you are looking for!”
This is the first message with which customers are greeted and it is the hall of your hotel that gives it, the entrance door of your entire structure. The business card that allows the customer to immediately get a first impression of the place where he is about to be welcomed.

That’s why this environment must be carefully studied and organized, both for the reception and for the services, such as information and understanding of the spaces.
The space must be perceived as large but not dispersive, formal but warm, confidential and welcoming.

To give this perception, it is important to have a project that proposes studied furnishings and lighting capable of making all these messages read correctly, lighting that blends with the furnishings themselves, not a technological foreign body but an integral part of the reassuring message.

For example, light allows the correct perception of the hierarchy of spaces, for example as soon as the customer enters he must immediately understand who to contact for information, that is, light will direct attention towards the counter where the customer will receive all attention.
Always the light will then be able to underline that in another part of the hall there will be comfortable
armchairs for waiting, meeting friends or customers, a lighting therefore that puts those present at ease but also offers the right level of illumination to create attention.
In any case, artificial light must always relate to the natural light present in order not to create annoying overlighting, shadows or glare.

Therefore, in order to correctly illuminate the hall of your hotel, it is important that you consider various levels of illumination:
Ambient lighting
Designed to create a general atmosphere of well-being and tranquillity, in particular through the use of suspended lamps, such as COMETA, CRISTALLO, GAMMA according to the type of furniture, which fit correctly into the rooms;

Task lighting, lighting for activities
Designed to guarantee free movement in space but also the right quantity and quality of light for talking, reading… using both floor lamps, such as COBALTO, NETTUNO, BEYRING,… and table lamps, such as DUCAS, LEXINGTON, GRAFITE,…
Accent lighting
To more specifically underline a space in which to draw attention to architectural details, furnishings of
particular value, with lamps such as KURSA, ATLAS, ALPHARD,…

On the other hand, if it is true that a hotel is the sum of many private spaces, the hall represents, together
with the restaurant, the most important shared public space. And LUMIS knows all this well, with 30 years of specific experience in the sector, with services, products and materials at your disposal.
We await you at LUMIS to enrich your hotel through the right tools to get the best light.